I went to Egypt November 25 to December 2, 2003 on a tour from MISR
Travel, the official travel agency of the Egyptian government. I saw MISR Travel's
Extraordinary Egypt tour mentioned on the
MSNBC Travel page. For
only $899 you get airfare from New York and six nights at the Mena House or Ramses Hilton. Wow!
Of course, people asked me if I was crazy for going to Egypt with the war in Iraq, terrorism, and
everything else. I always tell them that it is much more dangerous for a tourist in Atlanta then
one in Egypt. I was not disappointed by security in Egypt, or by the incredibly friendly people
I met. And I am not just talking about shopkeepers who are looking for U.S. currency. On a couple
of occasions people on the street started up a conversation.
Please report any problems to me.