Cape Buffalo

[Water Buffalo in Samburu] In America we would refer to Cape Buffalo as Bison. Buffalo were named after a city in upstate New York, so it follows that Bison were probably named after a city somewhere in Kenya. These however are not normal buffalo, they are cape buffalo. This means either that they are some kind of buffalo with super-powers or they are just big, mean and ornery. I have been led to believe that the latter is the truth. Of course if you ever saw two cape buffalo kissing, as they appear to be doing in the picture to the right, you would be unable to think such things of them. At least until they charged your minivan and crushed it. But then it would be too late.

Buffalo weigh about a ton and due to their 1 horse-power engine they do not accelerate very quickly. Kinda like my dad's car. This makes them easy prey for lions and hyena which is why they tend to travel in herds in order to protect themselves. Fortunately, there are not many lions or hyena in Richmond so my dad's car is pretty safe . . . at least in that regard.

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