Lions really are the King of the Beasts. The males, like the one at left, have a regal
air about them and they are not particularly afraid of anything. Lions, unlike leopards
and cheetahs, hunt and move in packs. Generally it is the females who do the hunting, and
the big male who eats first. Groups include a dominant male, several females, and some
young, and are called prides. A pride might include a dozen lions.
Some times you will also see just a single male and female, or one or more young males.
Lions tend to hunt around dawn or dusk. They lack the speed of cheetahs and the tree-climbing
ability of leopards, but they are bigger and stronger than other cats, and their group
tactics allow them to go after larger animals, like cape buffalo, zebra, and giraffes.
Lions also tend to gorge themselves on a single meal, which can last them for several days. They then lie around in the shade and sleep it off. We saw some lions who had just finished a big meal, and their stomaches seemed full almost to the bursting point.