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8/23/08 – Kevin spent some time at the pool today with his Miles Grandparents, half-sister (Anne), Aunt (also Anne), and cousins (Allison and Jamie). Later, he tested out his Bjorn and took his first ride on the Metro and went to his first restaurant (California Pizza Kitchen @ Pentagon City).
8/22/08 – Kevin visited the PTO today and made a bit of a splash with Becca's co-workers.
8/21/08 – Kevin got weighed again today and is up to 8 lb 8 oz. So he is definitely gaining weight, as he should.
8/19/08 – Kevin had his first checkup today. He is now 8 lb 2 oz and doing very well. Not much on sleeping through the night, but developmentally great! Nicole popped over this evening to check out the newest Eisinger, who slept through the visit.
8/16/08 – After everyone got a good night's sleep (in between feedings for Becca and Kevin of course), Becca took a shower and was prepared for her first visitors. Nate and Emily stopped in to say "Hi!" In the afternoon, Kevin seemed to get the hang of breast-feeding. At least to the extent that he no longer took a nap after a couple of minutes.
8/15/08 – Labor continued sans pain for several hours until around 2:30, at which time Becca was instructed to push, and at 02:48 a.m. Kevin emerged, weighing in at 9 pounds and being 19.25" long. He did not do much crying, and soon discovered his thumb's usefulness. Mom, Dad, and Grandma Eisinger took turns holding the little bundle of joy, between weighings, shots, and such. Grandpa and Grandma Miles showed up around noon while Dad and Grandma Eisinger got some rest.
8/14/08 – The "plan" was for Becca to get induced at 10:00 a.m., but the hospital called to say that they were short on space, so we did not go in until 1:30 p.m. They started inducing at 3:10 and Becca started having regular contractions within 10-20 minutes. Labor continued for the rest of the day, becoming stronger and stronger. At around 9:30 they gave Becca an epidural, which pretty well eliminated the pain. One vote for epidurals!
8/12/08 – Well, the countdown has begun. On Thursday, July 31, the ultrasound suggested that our little guy was in the neighborhood of 8.5 pounds. Last week it was decided that if he had not arrived on his own by this Thurday (8/14), they would induce. So we are only a couple of days away!
7/25/08 – Becca’s visit to the OB today was interesting. It seems that Baby Eisinger is turning out to be quite … robust. We’ll have an ultrasound next week and find out if he’ll be too big to fit in the back seat of our little sedan by the time he’s born!
7/19/08 – We had a baby shower today, thanks to our moms! Everybody was so generous and we now feel prepared for the baby, at least in terms of “stuff.” Dad Miles assembled our stroller & car seat, and Mom Eisinger brought little sheets that fit the portable crib we’ll use while Baby Eisinger is small. Although recent visits to the obstetrician suggest that Baby Eisinger won’t be all that small . . .
6/28/08 - This morning we went over to the hospital for an introductory visit. We saw the birthing and recovery rooms, cafeteria, and waiting rooms. We went over admitance procedures, guests, how to work the bed, and, most importantly, how to work the television remote. The birthing rooms had really cool lights for the delivery that automatically follow a little wand with a light on the end. Must . . . play . . . with lights!
6/27/08 - We went in for an ultrasound this afternoon . . . although Ike almost missed it due to Metro train issues, which resulted in taking a cab from King Street Station to the hospital, arriving only a minute before the ultrasound began. We were rewarded by a nice closeup shot of Baby Eisinger . . . who, at a bit over 4 pounds (80th percentile), takes up most of the screen with just his head. He appears to have turned over, to which Becca can attest, so things are looking good.
5/28/08 - Birthing classes started today and go for two hours every week for six weeks. We are (re-)learning about breathing techniques, fetal development, labor, pre-labor, and basic care and maintenance of infants. So far, not as good a place to pick up chicks as Ike hoped.
5/26/08 - Happy Memorial Day! We and some friends went to the National Zoo in D.C. this morning. We were hoping to instill in Tiny Eisinger a good prenatal memory of big cats, pandas, lowland gorillas, elephants etc., but I can say with some confidence that our little one napped the entire time – not a kick to be felt. But he did seem to perk up when we hit Fuddrucker’s on the way home – could it have been the milkshake? [Pictures]
5/17/08 - Greetings from South Carolina! We popped down here for a weekend in historic Charleston, before Ike went to Columbia, SC for training this coming week. We visited Fort Sumter, took a carriage ride around the old neighborhoods, and went on a ghost tour. Our little fetus made his presence known very frequently, prodding me with his little hands and feet any time we passed near an ice cream store. [Pictures]
3/21/08 - The 18-week ultrasound today was so exciting! I’d been sure I felt little kicks some days, but watching the fetus move around and feeling movement in my tummy at the same time was like a light bulb going on. We’re also sure we saw evidence that we’re having a boy! Now, if we could just come up with a name . . .
2/8/08 - Our 12-week ultrasound today showed more good news! I watched our little embryo (or is it a fetus yet?) move around in response to the pressure from the ultrasound device. Everything’s measuring normally and that’s just what we wanted to hear.
1/9/08 - Had an 8-week ultrasound today. There’s a little embryo in there! We saw its tiny heart beating like crazy and noted that it appears to have an empty skull. Ike says that this verifies paternity :)